Why use coffee in the muffin preparation?

Snacks are the favourite recipe for every age people based on their health and taste they chose the snacks in the day to day life. Such snacks are not providing essential nutrition for your health. These are the problems mostly handled by the parents or caretakers. Solving such issues instead of using the chemical food color or any artificial powder you may use the fruits to make the muffins deliciously. Each fruit carries a different taste and minerals, based on that coffee is the fruit that bears many vitamins and nutrients in it, using such coffee in your snacks preparation to make healthy snacks. Such ingredient is to make your snack sweet and healthy for your family members. Equal amount of vitamins carries like coffee is strawberry. Adding one more fruit which one is considered favourite to the kids is strawberry, bright red colour and juicy texture is one of the attractions in the fruit. Using these two fruits are the main ingredient to make the muffin cakes. Let’s start the recipe, now you take the needed ingredients for coffee chip muffin cakes with strawberries that are 1 ¼ cup of pastry flour. 3/4 cup of sugar and semi chocolate chips each item carries the same quantity, 1 teaspoon vanilla extract and  one tablespoon baking soda and powder, take one egg and  1-11/2  cup of fresh chopped strawberries. And the remaining ingredients take two to three large coffees and one tablespoon of olive oil.

Time to merge all the ingredients:

Searching the ingredients and placing it nearby at the appropriate quantity. Now it is the stage to merge each ingredient into one bowl. Take a large bowl and mix the flour, sugar, baking soda and baking powder. You may add a pinch of salt for taste because in every sweet recipe bear the Salt, for adding the sweetness of the recipe. In another bowl you have to finely beat the olive oil, egg and vanilla extract. Wait for a few minutes while the ingredients get moistened. After that you take the chopped strawberries and now combine all the mixtures and also to add the coffee and strawberry, chocolate chips into one bowl. Your ingredients portions are over. Now you fill the paper muffin cups into two thirds full. Preheat your oven in twenty five to thirty minutes. It is the time to check if the cake is perfectly baked or not. Those tests are handled by using the toothpick to check if the coffee chip muffins with strawberry in the middle of the portion is baked finely or not. If the tooth picks come out without any bit of moisture then your cakes are perfectly cooked. Wait for five minutes for your muffins to come into room temperature. You may serve these muffins into sixteen servings. Instead of strawberries you may use whole wheat also to make muffins. Junk food gives taste but there is no health, instead of junk food you may take home made taste and healthy recipes to avoid the unhealthy issues in your life.

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